Boycotting. Really?

       To all the people who have stated that they are not going to come to Florida because of the results of the Zimmerman trial, thank you. I really hate when you come down to our beach front stores and complain about everything moving slowly. First off, you don't have to say it like an insult; we are not unintelligent. A good two thirds of us are either using this job to pay for college or have completed college and are working this retail position in addition to an actual job (still trying to pay off college), so thanks for trying to belittle people with jobs. Secondly, you just need to calm it down and relax. You're on vacation; why are you rushing? I can guarantee you that the beach looks the same now as it will in ten minutes; and if you don't know the local beaches you're just going to end up at one of the crowded tourist beaches anyways so why are you rushing to be part of the crowd. Thirdly, let's be realistic; the large majority of you were never going to make it to Florida anyways.
       The only truly annoying thing about this 'movement' is the misinformation that has spread everywhere. Stevie Wonder, you dumb fuck, the stand your ground law had nothing to do with the Zimmerman case; not once did the defense bring up "stand your ground" and, while I do not agree with the outcome of the trial, I do agree that anyone who bases their opinions off of a widely spread falsity is a moron. You can be against a law, that's cool, this is America where you can say whatever the hell you want and incite rage any damn way you wish to, but don't link your dislike of a law to a case that never invoked said law in the first place. You can say that there needs to be a clear demarcation between the definitions of self defense and Stand Your Ground, but you cannot say that they are one in the same, then proceed to attack one specifically, even though it played no part in the most recent Florida scandal.
       If you feel like taking a useless stand because it is honestly the most effective thing you can think of, keep in mind that Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming all have Stand Your Ground or Castle Doctrine's of their own, so make sure you boycott those states as well. On your summer road trip of all twenty-two states you deem acceptable, have fun purporting your sycophantic ideals; I'll be lounging on a gorgeously empty Florida beach (if you want to get really specific, add in Massachusetts, Virginia, Iowa, and Washington; they all have their own versions of the Stand Your Ground law. So that's eighteen states you can now visit with a clear conscience).
       Pretty much how I feel towards anyone that's boycotting an entire fucking state and the livelihoods of those people who rely on tourism with a little bit of my go to road rage song (which was one of the most energetic live performances ever; no matter how old I, or the band, get, I will always love The Offspring).
       "Fuck You" Lily Allen
       "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" The Offspring
- E
       *I made it all the way through that without making a single joke about how Wonder will never see Florida; that's fairly impressive.

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