In the last post I put up before getting on a plane, I stated that I didn't want to be in Germany for as long as I wanted to be in other countries because I was not as excited for Germany as I was for the people I was going to see when I got to Germany; Germany is so much more amazing than I thought it would be and I never thought I would miss it as much as I do.
Soon, I will be getting back on track with new bands, established artists, and musical ramblings but, until then, I'm just going to try to hold onto the greatness of Germany for a little while longer. I thought Germany would be the least impressive of all the countries in the EU, but it's beautiful and fun with amazing architecture, history, and culture and the only downside is the weather; I can deal with wearing multiple layers if it means that there will be clean air, highways with no speed limits, great food, and amazing landscapes everywhere I go.
Until I can get back on track though, Germany just plays the funnest (it was added to Merriam-Webster; it's a word) music.
- E