I am so happy that the majority of Americans are educated and voted for someone who believe in women's rights and can actually relate to the middle class struggle. Regardless of what Romney's continued updates, Politico states the truth about the voting results and the future of America. Romney stated that he "only prepared one speech for tonight", so I can only assume that a very awkward silence will be coming up on my television soon.
Finding out about the win while driving home may not be the safest place, but it did make it that much more enjoyable to swing my prO-bama button covered bag up to my door. I am so so glad that this election is done and that maybe there won't be any more political posts on facebook (in a perfect world). And I am so, so glad that I never have to see Romney's smile again (it creeps me out; my grandmother has voted Republican every election for the past 45 years, and she voted for Obama).
You should be happy too; now you do not have to read any more of my 'political' posts! (But you totally still can because they are all about a two time landslide winner who is fuckmazing.)
- E