Every time I get over the flu, I forget how awful it is until I get it again (It's a form of selective amnesia... like every year on Halloween when I decide to try some candy corn, then end up regretting my decision because candy corn will NEVER taste good). It's awful, you just lay in bed wondering when your eyes are going to stop tearing up and your head will stop spinning, while a dog lays across your legs making it even more difficult to regulate your body temperature or leave the bed. The only good things about having the flu are that it is the best possible diet plan and I finally have time to go through my email (why do I have so many emails from the Obama administration? I'm voting this time; last time I didn't, someone elected Voldemort as governor).
Back to the flu; it sucks balls. Wash your hands even more than you already do and keep those good smelling hand sanitizer things from Bath & Body in your bag. Otherwise, you will get so sick that you'll be stuck in bed for a week and spend that time listening to the same five songs on repeat because you can't remember to add anything to your iPod when you are that incoherent (I am not convinced I have returned to a state of mind where I make any sense yet... sorry). I never want to be sick again.
This song isn't so bad to listen to on repeat...
- E